Cross-compiling to ancient platforms...

Alexander Prokhorov
Mon Jan 21 19:38:00 GMT 2013

Hello colleagues,

I am trying to use crosstools to set up the build platform which will 
allow to build highly compatible executables and libraries. The target 
platform is a RHEL4(update2) and similar platforms, cause such old stuff 
is widely used on the different cluster supercomputers. Specifically I 
need to set up cross-compiling environment with eglibc 2.3 and for 
kernel 2.6.9. (although I hope to use quite a modern gcc/g++ version). 
Unfortunately 'ct-ng menuconfig' does not allow to specify such an old 
versions of both eglibc and kernel. Is there a way or well-known 
practice how to do that?

Thanks in advance,
cheers ;)

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