[Maybe a boring Question] Why not GIT?
Austin Morton
Thu Aug 8 05:36:00 GMT 2013
Upon finding this great project I asked the maintainer the same thing in IRC.
His response was basically "but I know HG!"
I couldn't really argue with him other than to show him the plus sides
of git, but in the end he will use what he knows best.
If you are interested in making a contribution, I ended up using the
HG-to-git bridge, did my work in git, and then exported the patches
back to HG to make the patch sets.
Hope it help,
On Aug 7, 2013, at 9:48 PM, "goodmenlinux@gmail.com"
<goodmenlinux@gmail.com> wrote:
> I found that github has ct-ng dir, but the latest update is 3 years ago.
> Does this great project has any plan to use GIT?
> Any comment on it?
> --
> Brock Zheng
> Software Enginner
> --
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