[RFC PATCH] allow arbitrary Linux kernel versions

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998@free.fr
Wed Sep 26 17:27:00 GMT 2012

Johannes, All,

On Wednesday 26 September 2012 15:07:54 Johannes Stezenbach wrote:
> Allow the user to specify a specific Linux kernel version.
> In contrast to KERNEL_LINUX_CUSTOM crosstool
> will automatically download the tarball (provided the
> version number entered by the user is valid).
> Using this also stops crosstool from downloading
> the latest-greatest kernel after every crosstool update.

I do not like for at least one reason: if we do it for the kernel, why not
do it for all the other components as well? And in this case, we should
have a way to commonalise the method (config.in and scripts).

Also, I do not like to offer this option, because there are often people
that want to use a very old kernel (eg. in the 2.4 series, of pre 2.6.18),
which definitely will *not* work, and I want to avoid this situation.

In contrast to other components, for which there are no hard reason not to
use old versions, too old a kernel is a sure way to break the build.

OTOH, it is already possible to use any version, via the "custom tarball or
directory" option. Sure, it requires that the tarball be already downloaded,
but I believe that to be a minor issue.

If the use-case is to use newer kernel versions, then it is also time to
upgrade to a newer crosstool-NG, too.

So, I am against this change. Unless you have very, *very strong* counter-
arguments, of course. ;-)

Yann E. MORIN.

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