Locating zlib in a cross-build

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998@free.fr
Fri Feb 24 21:57:00 GMT 2012

Chris, All,

On Friday 24 February 2012 22:47:15 Chris Wilkinson wrote:
> I successfully built the powerpc-e300c3-linux-gnu toolchain on a
> Debian/AMD64 host.
> I used the toolchain to cross-compile a source package that wants zlib.
> CC=xx, --target=xx, --host=xx were specified in the ./configure command line.
> Configure complains that zlib is missing. It appears to be built as
> part of the toolchain. I see the libraries under the .build/.... dir.
> I suppose I need to tell configure where it is. How I should do that?

No. You have to build your own:
 - crosstool-NG does not build a zlib that is installed in the toolchain.
 - gcc does build a version for itself, so it is not available.

Crosstool-NG does not provide a BSP. Crosstool-NG only provides a toolchain:
 - C library, headers and libraries: glibc, eglibc, uClibc... Your pick.
 - compiler: gcc
 - binary utilities (assembler, linker...): binutils

That's all. If other tools are built, that's only for internal use, and it
is not installed with the toolchain.

Yann E. MORIN.

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