build failure in native gdb with crosstool-ng-1.13.1 on openSUSE 12.1

Tue Nov 29 22:54:00 GMT 2011

Trevor, All,

On Tuesday 29 November 2011 00:19:13 Trevor Woerner wrote:
> I recently upgraded to the latest openSUSE 12.1 release and discovered
> that crosstool-NG has trouble building native gdb.
> In scripts/build/debug/ around line 249 is found:
>             native_extra_config+=("--with-curses")
>             # There's no better way to tell gdb where to find -lcurses... :-(
>             gdb_native_CFLAGS+=("-I${CT_BUILD_DIR}/static-target/include")
>             gdb_native_CFLAGS+=("-L${CT_BUILD_DIR}/static-target/lib")
> In previous builds (i.e. openSUSE 11.4, etc) the lib directory (as
> specified) exists. With my builds on openSUSE 12.1 this directory
> doesn't exist, but ${CT_BUILD_DIR}/static-target/lib64 does. The
> native gdb fails during the run of one of the many sub-directory
> ./configure scripts saying "no termcap library found".

What target are youbuilding for? Could you post your .config, please?

> Manually
> tweaking the above to say "lib64" allows the native gdb build to
> succeed (but, obviously, is not a general solution).

I never encountered this issue, but it can make sense if the target
architecture is 64-bit, in which case the libraries could be installed
in the lib64 sub-directory

Care to test the attached patch, please?

> The build then fails a little later (during cleanup, stripping all
> binaries) but I haven't looking into that yet to provide much
> information.

Probably again an issue with lib vs. lib64 confusion along the road...

Yann E. MORIN.

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