[PATCH 2 of 2] docs: Add strategies for assembling root filesystems

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998@anciens.enib.fr
Wed Nov 16 23:29:00 GMT 2011

Trevor, All,

On Wednesday 16 November 2011 23:45:27 Trevor Woerner wrote:
> # HG changeset patch
> # User Trevor Woerner <twoerner@gmail.com>
> # Date 1321482977 18000
> # Node ID 8bd0d6bdba97ba1f9a80be56daf1e6b4161cb9b4
> # Parent  c1c4d9174fbfd7d76e0e520dc6657cf239a7d718
> docs: Add strategies for assembling root filesystems.
> Expand the documentation for using a crosstool-NG-generated toolchain for
> building a root filesystem for a target device.

Not much to say, I wrote much of it! :-)
But still, a few comments below...

> Signed-off-by: "Trevor Woerner" <twoerner@gmail.com>
> diff -r c1c4d9174fbf -r 8bd0d6bdba97 docs/5 - Using the toolchain.txt
> --- a/docs/5 - Using the toolchain.txt	Wed Nov 16 16:06:42 2011 -0500
> +++ b/docs/5 - Using the toolchain.txt	Wed Nov 16 17:36:17 2011 -0500
> +2) Copy the toolchain's sysroot to the 'staging' area.
> +   $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-foo-bar...          \
> +         CC="<host tuple>-gcc --syroot=/path/to/staging"    \
> +         CXX="<host tuple>-g++ --sysroot=/path/to/staging"  \
> +         LD="<host tuple>-ld --sysroot=/path/to/staging"    \
> +         AND_SO_ON=tuple-andsoon --sysroot=/path/to/staging"

It is still required to pass --build and --host.

> +3) Use separate staging and sysroot directories.
> +   $ CPPFLAGS="-I/path/to/staging/usr/include" \
> +         LDFLAGS="-L/path/to/staging/lib -L/path/to/staging/usr/lib" \
> +         ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-foo-bar...


> +4) A mix of 2) and 3), using carefully crafted union mounts.

This one is really coplex, convoluted, and not really possible without
much trouble and expertise. It could be confusing for newcomers (if it
was not confusing enough as it is!), and experts would probably be able
to come up with that solution on their own...

Otherwise, pretty nice. I'll fix the few nit-picks here and there, and
do a re-read pass, then I'll push.

I'm glad you took the time to format it properly, I was going to suggest
this went to the docs, you read my mind! :-)

Thank you!

Yann E. MORIN.

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