[PATCH 1 of 2] docs: --target versus --host

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998@anciens.enib.fr
Wed Nov 16 23:18:00 GMT 2011

Trevor, All,

On Wednesday 16 November 2011 23:45:26 Trevor Woerner wrote:
> # HG changeset patch
> # User Trevor Woerner <twoerner@gmail.com>
> # Date 1321477602 18000
> # Node ID c1c4d9174fbfd7d76e0e520dc6657cf239a7d718
> # Parent  c4452a1a18fb5c57b991eb75f7ff480d33e91704
> docs: --target versus --host
> In the very beginnings, eons ago, autotools also got confused by this
> whole build vs. host vs. target, and got it wrong. Now they fixed it,
> but they want to keep backward compatibility, so the --target is still
> recongised, although ./configure will complain if you do so. It is

"recognised" (this orignally is my typo), I'll fix.

> better to use --host.
> Signed-off-by: "Trevor Woerner" <twoerner@gmail.com>
> diff -r c4452a1a18fb -r c1c4d9174fbf docs/5 - Using the toolchain.txt
> --- a/docs/5 - Using the toolchain.txt	Tue Nov 15 19:11:57 2011 +0100
> +++ b/docs/5 - Using the toolchain.txt	Wed Nov 16 16:06:42 2011 -0500
> @@ -11,13 +11,14 @@
>  your PATH, such as:
>    export PATH="${PATH}:/your/toolchain/path/bin"
> -and then using the target tuple to tell the build systems to use your
> -toolchain:
> -  ./configure --target=your-target-tuple
> +and then using the '--host' tuple to tell the build systems to use your
> +toolchain (if the software package uses the autotools system you should
> +also pass --build, for completeness):
> +  ./configure --host=your-host-tuple --build=your-build-tuple

Usually, I use --build before --host, it seems more logical to me.
But the order has no impact whatsoever on the result.

>  or
> -  make CC=your-target-tuple-gcc
> +  make CC=your-host-tuple-gcc
>  or
> -  make CROSS_COMPILE=your-target-tuple-
> +  make CROSS_COMPILE=your-host-tuple-
>  and so on...

Aren't all these build/host/target things sneaky and confusing? ;-)

To make things clear, I'd like to add this snippet:

    (Note: in the above examples, 'host' refers to the host of your program,
    not the host of the toolchain; and 'build' refers to the machine where
    you build your program, that is the host of the toolchain.)

What do you think?

Yann E. MORIN.

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