About native language support (nls)

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998@anciens.enib.fr
Wed Nov 16 22:19:00 GMT 2011

Zhenqiang, All,

On Wednesday 16 November 2011 09:18:33 Zhenqiang Chen wrote:
> gcc and binutils disable nls. All other packages like gdb enable nls,
> which will give different user experience for different tools in the
> same toolchain.
> Here is the comment in do_cc on why nls is disabled,
> # --disable-nls to work around crash bug on ppc405, but also because
> # embedded systems don't really need message catalogs...

Yes, this comment is probably wrong. It dates back to the early days of
crosstool-NG, even the original crosstool had it:

It might be possible to enable NLS, indeed. I never ever tried, because
I prefer to rely onthe original messages rather than their translations
(mostly because I'm used to the vocabulary used in english, and because
the french translation tend to be a little bit funky!).

> But I think we'd provide a config for users to enable nls and for
> cross and canadian build, the message is still useful, especially for
> CJK users.

I'm not an expert in i18n, so I gues CJK is Chinese-Japanese-Korean, right?
 - if that's because it's a different alphabet, CJK is not special; other
   languages use different alphabets: arabic, greek...
 - if that's because it's a right-to-left script, then CJK is not special
   either; other languages are also R2L: arabic (the only I know of, but
   undoubtly others).

So, I believe it could also make non-CJK users very happy! ;-)

> What do you think about?

I do believe this to be neither too invasive, not too complex to do; so
it will make for a nice addition. As Michael said: patch, please! :-)
As you suggested, this shoud be a config option.

Yann E. MORIN.

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