Java Compiler Build Failure

matti kaasinen
Thu May 20 13:58:00 GMT 2010


I tried to re-produce arm toolchain with c c++ and java by using
crosstool-NG version hg_default@1943_48e107b35ba9. I used same library
etc. versions - as close as possible as arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi
listed on "succesfully built toolchains" listing.


With compilers = c, c++, java, process stopped somewhere in the middle
of checking fortran details.
Message was something like "libtool.m4 error". So, there is some
hidden dependency between java and fortran in ct-ng process.

After including also fortran to compilers list, process went further
stopping with following messages (after about 5 hours).

------ messages begin
[ALL  ]    here=`pwd`; cd
/opt/crosstool/targets/src/gcc-4.3.2/libjava/classpath/lib;     find
gnu java javax org sun -name .svn -prune -o -name '*.class' -print |
  jar -cfM@ $here/libgcj-4.3.2.jar
[ERROR]    jar: internal error:
[ALL  ]    java.lang.NullPointerException
[ALL  ]       at
[ALL  ]       at
[ALL  ]       at
[ALL  ]       at
------ messages end

Problem is jar -cfM@ $here/libgcj-4.3.2.jar command. Any jar
operations fail with M option. There are no complaints if I run the
first message line manually without M option. So, is this M option
really needed? My java installation is made using regular Ubuntu 9.10
packet manager. So most likely I should add some more java stuff in
order to get rid of this problem, but I really dont know what.

Above command seems coming from
arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/libjava/Makefile (two jar command lines with
-cfM options). I could edit them, but I suppose they will quite easily
be written over during the automake process.

Any suggestion how to proceed?

-Matti Kaasinen

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