Cross install to MSys/mingw

Thu Mar 4 20:20:00 GMT 2010

Franck, All,

On Thursday 04 March 2010 19:15:46 Motta, Frank wrote:
> Have you seen any tool/script that 'completes' the "make install" for
> Canadian cross for windows host from which I can leverage?

There is crosstool-NG, which I maintain:

There is (still experimental) support for building a canadian cross
compiler. crosstool-NG can run on Linux and Cygwin (mingw32 untested).
Which means you could be able to build on Linux a canadian cross that
runs on mingw32, or build on Cygwin a canadian cross that runs on

Note that, as already said, this is still experimental, so you may have
some issues. Some people have already reported success in compiling and
running a canadian cross that:
- builds on Linux x86
- runs on mingw32
- targets Linux x86

Yann E. MORIN.

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