[CT-NG:patch 00/19] Series for several new toolchains and canadian support

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998@anciens.enib.fr
Fri Apr 9 19:59:00 GMT 2010

Remy & Bart, All,

On Friday 09 April 2010 21:04:19 Remy Bohmer wrote:
> This series of patches of Bart and some of myself adds support and fixes for several
> canadian builds and architectures:

Thanks a lot for this series! I will look into it during the WE.

I already spot a few gotchas, the most problematic being:
  [CT-NG:patch 12/19] Add mingw target libraries

I am very reluctant to add non-system libraries to crosstool-NG. I do not
want it to evolve to being another build system, there already are legions
of those.

Also, it seems they are not required to _build_ the toolchain, as the
default if 'n'.

Now, on the plus-side: mingw32 and cygwin targets! Yeah! :-)
But let's see all of that good stuff later on in the WE.

Yann E. MORIN.

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