crosstool-ng: where is a strategic place to tell crosstool-ng that sed should be gsed?

Tue Jan 27 23:11:00 GMT 2009

Hello All!

On Saturday 24 January 2009 14:28:07 Yann E. MORIN wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 January 2009 11:50:39 Joerg Bruehe wrote:
> > An alternative approach would be to have some specific directory, say
> > "/bin-override", that contains (symbolic links to) the GNU binaries
> > using the standard names ("awk", ...).
> > If you then have this directory in your PATH before "/bin", at least
> > when doing crosstool work, the GNU binaries should be found.

OK, I managed at last to add this into ./configure, and propagate it down
to the actual users. Can you have a look at what's in svn trunk, please?

To see what tools can be set, use: ./configure --help
To use a tool in a specific place, use: ./configure --with-bash=/some/place/bash
(replace 'bash' with the appropriate tool).

Yann E. MORIN.

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