[crosstool-NG] Design discussion
Stefan Hallas Andersen
Tue Apr 7 00:11:00 GMT 2009
Hi Rob and All,
It sounds to me like you're problem with crosstool-ng is that it isn't
firmware-linux and you're now using the crosstool-ng mailing list to
promote your own design and tool. I've tried to read through you're
extreamly long comparison and justification of firmware linux and I
think most of your points boil down to personal preference and believes
more than actual valid design arguments agaist crosstool-ng.
- These tools are obviously very different designs and doesn't overlap.
In short, my take on crosstool-ng vs. firmware linux is that one is well
contained, well done, works and is usefull - while the other just isn't
ready for primetime, looks like an interesting research project and is a
great proof of concept.
Where this not supposed to be a crosstool-ng design discussion thread
instead of a >> who can write the longest emails competition << ?
Anyway, just my 0.02$
Best regards,
Stefan Hallas Andersen
Cisco Systems Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: crossgcc-owner@sourceware.org on behalf of Yann E. MORIN
> Sent: Mon 4/6/2009 3:12 PM
> To: crossgcc@sourceware.org
> Cc: Rob Landley
> Subject: Re: [crosstool-NG] Design discussion
> Rob,
> All,
> On Monday 06 April 2009 07:45:49 Rob Landley wrote:
> > Ok, I think I left off around here:
> OK, I think I'm coping with the back-log ;-)
> > > 2.b) Ease configuration of the toolchain
> > >
> > > In the state, configuring crosstool required editing a file
> containing
> > > shell variables assignements. There was no proper documentation at
> what
> > > variables were used, and no clear explanations about each
> variables
> > > meaning.
> > My response to this problem was to write documentation.
> Sure. But documentation is not all. Fixing and enhancing both the code
> and the configuration scheme is also a way to achieve a better
> end-user
> experience (Ahaha! I've wandered too much with the marketting dept
> lately).
> > While I've used kconfig myself, there's an old saying: "If all you
> have is a
> > hammer, everything looks like a nail".
> Hehe! Show me a better and simpler way.
> > The failure mode of kconfig is having so much granularity
> So what? Should I restrict what the end-user is allowed to do, based
> solely
> on my own experience? If the possibility exists in the tools, then why
> prevent the user from using (or not using) that? Configuring a
> compiler
> has soooo many options, it drives you mad. Quite a lot can be inferred
> from higher-level options, such as the arch name and the CPU variant,
> or
> the ABI...
> > Ironically, kconfig is only really worth using when you have enough
> config
> > options to bother with it.
> But there *are* a lot of options! There isn't even all that could be
> available!
> > When you have small numbers of config options
> > that are usually going to be off, I prefer environment variables
> (with a
> > config file in which you can set those in a persistent manner) or
> command
> > line options. Since you can set an environment variable on the
> command line,
> > ala:
> >
> > FORK=1 ./buildall.sh
> >
> > I lean towards those. Possibly a matter of personal taste...
> I think so. To configure stuff, I prefer having a GUI that is not vi,
> but
> that is still simple. and the kconfig language and its mconf
> interpreter
> seems quite fitted, even if it is not the best. But here is no
> alternative
> that I'm aware of. Plus, it is quite well known thanks to the Linux
> kernel
> using it.
> > Getting back to menuconfig, since it _is_ so central to your design,
> let's
> > look at the menuconfig entries. I still have 1.3.2 installed here,
> which
> > starts with nine sub-menus, let's go into the first, "paths and misc
> > options":
> >
> > The first three options in the first menu aren't immediately useful
> to a
> > newbie like me:
> >
> > [ ] Use obsolete features
> > [ ] Try features marked as EXPERIMENTAL (NEW)
> > [ ] Debug crosstool-NG (NEW)
> > I dunno what your obsolete versions are, I don't know what your
> experimental
> > options are, and I dunno what debugging crosstool-ng does. I am not
> > currently qualified to make any decisions about them, because I
> don't know
> > what they actually control.
> > Looking at the help... the "obsolete features" thing seems useless?
> We've
> > already got menus to select kernel and gcc versions, this just hides
> some of
> > those versions? Why? (Shouldn't it default to the newest stable
> version?
> > If it doesn't, shouldn't it be _obvious_ that the newest stable
> version is
> > probably what you want?)
> OK, obsolete means that I can't afford ensuring that they still build.
> > Marking old versions "deprecated" might make a certain mount of
> sense.
> > marking them obsolete and hiding them, but still having them
> available, less
> > so.
> OK, deprecated is much meaningful, I admit to it. Let's set for
> > Similarly, the "experimental" one seems useless because when you
> enable it the
> > experimental versions already say "EXPERIMENTAL" in their
> descriptions
> > (wandered around until I found the binutils version choice menu and
> looked at
> > it to be sure). They're marked anyway, so why is an option to hide
> them an
> > improvement?
> EXPERIMENTAL in the prompt is just a string. A config knob makes the
> user
> really aware that he/she's trying something that might break.
> Plus, it marks the resulting config file as containing EXPERIMENTAL
> features/versions/... and is easier to process.
> > As for the third, wasn't there a debug menu? Why is "Debug
> crostool-NG" in
> > the paths menu? (Rummage, rummage... Ah, I see, the debug menu is a
> list of
> > packages you might want to build and add to the toolchain. Ok, sort
> of makes
> > sense. Still, the third thing a newbie sees going through in order
> as
> > a "very very expert" option. Moving on...)
> That's why the former in titled "Debug crosstol-NG", while the latter
> is titled "debug facilities". Again, maybe the wording is wrong.
> > () Local tarballs directory (NEW)
> > (${CT_TOP_DIR}/targets) Working directory (NEW)
> > (${HOME}/x-tools/${CT_TARGET}) Prefix directory (NEW)
> >
> > Most users aren't going to care where the local tarballs directory
> is, or the
> > working directory.
> Most. Not all. And the help entries are here to tel the user whether
> it wise to change.
> > The "prefix directory" is presumably different from where
> > we just installed with --prefix.
> The help roughly says: the path were the toolchain is expected to run
> from.
> Unfortunately, there is yet no support for DESTDIR, the place where
> the
> toolchain will be installed, to allow installing out-of-tree. For the
> time
> being, the DESTDIR is plainly / that is, the toolchain is expected to
> run
> on the system it is built on. But that should eventually be fixed.
> > I suppose it's nice that you can override
> > the defaults, but having it be one of the first questions a user's
> posed with
> > when going through the options in order trying to configure the
> thing isn't
> > really very helpful. It's not my problem, just _work_.
> Where should I install the toolchain? In the user's home directory?
> This is indeed the default, but you are pestering against it!
> If not in ${HOME}, where should I install the toolchain? In /opt ?
> In /usr/local ? Bah, most useres don't have right access there.
> Except root. But building as root is asking for problems!
> > (I also don't know
> > what CT_TOP_DIR and CT_TARGET are, I'd have to go look them up.)
> docs/overview.txt is advertised in the top-level README.
> > For comparison, my system creates a tarball from the resulting cross
> compiler,
> > and leaves an extracted copy as "build/cross-compiler-$ARCH". You
> can put
> > them wherever you like, it's not my problem. They're fully
> relocatable.
> Toolchains built with crosstool-NG are also fully relocatable.
> Having the user tell before hand where to install the stuff is also
> another good option.
> > [*] Remove documentation (NEW)
> > Nice, and possibly the first question someone who _isn't_ a cross
> compiler
> > toolchain developer (but just wants to build and use the thing)
> might
> > actually be interested in.
> :-)
> > Your ./configure still requires you to install makeinfo no matter
> what this is
> > set to. You have to install the package so this can delete its
> output?
> Unfortunately, gcc/glibc/... build and install their documentation by
> default. I haven't seen any ./configure option that would prevent them
> from doing so... :-(
> > Wouldn't it be better to group this with a "strip the resulting
> binaries"
> > option, and any other space saving switches? (I'm just assuming you
> _have_
> > them, somewhere...)
> Nope. But that's a good idea. :-)
> > [*] Render the toolchain read-only (NEW)
> > This is something the end user can do fairly easily for themselves,
> and I'm
> > not quite sure what the advantage of doing it is supposed to be
> anyway. In
> > any case it's an install option, and should probably go with other
> install
> > options, but I personally wouldn't have bothered having this option
> at all.
> In fact, it's here and ON by default, and why this is so is clearly
> explained
> both in docs/overview.txt and in the help of this option. Well, that
> might not
> be so obvious, after all. :-(
> > [ ] Force downloads (NEW)
> > I noticed your build doesn't detect whether or not the tarballs
> downloaded
> > properly.
> > Forcing re-downloads every build puts unnecessary strain on the
> mirrors, and
> > seems a bit impolite. (Plus your re-download can time out halfway
> through if
> > the net hiccups.) But the alternative you've got is your
> infrastructure
> > won't notice corrupted tarballs other than by dying.
> Yeah. Sad. Will work on it. until now, it was a minor problem, as
> there were
> more important ones. Now that most of the stuff is functional, it's
> time to
> polish things...
> > [ ] Use a proxy (NEW) --->
> > Wow, are these still used in 2009? Ok? (It just never came up for
> me...)
> Yes! Big and not-so-big companies have proxies to connect you to the
> internet
> and they use that as a filter against, well, preventing you from doing
> pr0n at
> work, or going on other unlawful sites, such as hacking and stuff...
> > [ ] Use LAN mirror (NEW) --->
> > In the sub-menu this options, why do you have individual selections
> instead of
> > just having 'em provide a URL prefix pointing to the directory in
> which to
> > find the packages in question? You already know the name of each
> package
> > you're looking for...
> Hmmm... There must have been a good idea behind that... Can't think of
> it
> any more... :-(
> > (10) connection timeout (NEW)
> > This is an implementation detail. Users should hardly ever care.
> No. I have a case were the network is sooo slow that connections are
> established well after the 10s default timeout (17s if I remember
> well).
> > My system uses wget instead of curl (because wget is in busybox and
> curl
> > isn't).
> If you don't have curl, crosstool-NG falls back to using wget. That's
> just
> a matter of taste, here. And no so many people are using busybox-based
> workstations. ;-)
> > As a higher level design issue, It would have been easier for me to
> implement
> > my build system in python than in bash, but the point of doing it in
> bash is
> > it's the exact same set of commands you'd run on the command line,
> in the
> > order you'd run them, to do this yourself by hand. So to an extent
> the shell
> > scripts act as documentation and a tutorial on how to build cross
> compilers.
> > (And I added a lot of #comments to help out there, because I
> _expect_ people
> > to read the scripts if they care about much more than just grabbing
> prebuilt
> > binary tarballs and using them to cross compile stuff.)
> That paragraph also applies to crosstool-NG. Word for word, except for
> the python stuff, that I don't grok.
> > [ ] Stop after downloading tarballs (NEW)
> > This seems like it should be a command line option.
> Granted, same answer as for "Force downloads"
> > [ ] Force extractions (NEW)
> > Ah, you cache the results of tarball extraction too. I hadn't
> noticed. (I
> > hadn't bothered to mention that mine's doing it because it's just an
> > implementation detail.)
> >
> > This is one of the things my setupfor function does: it extracts
> source into
> > build/sources, in a subdirectory with the same name as the package.
> Unfortunately not all package are good boys. Some have a hyphen in the
> package name and a dash in the corresponding directory.
> > Again, I detect "good/stale" cached data via sha1sums.
> I'm missing this. It's on my TODO as well, but low priority...
> > [*] Override config.{guess,sub} (NEW)
> > I can sort of see this, but it's one of those "you really, really,
> really need
> > to know what you're doing, and you might be better off patching or
> upgrading
> > the package in question instead".
> Yep. Some packages still don't know about *-*-linux-ublibc* tuples...
> Sigh...
> > [ ] Stop after extracting tarballs (NEW)
> Ditto as for "Stop after downloading tarballs".
> > (1) Number of parallel jobs (NEW)
> > My sources/includes.sh autodetects the number of processors and sets
> > You can override it by setting CPUS on the command line. (I often
> > do "CPUS=1 ./build.sh x86_64" when something breaks so I get more
> > understandable error messages.)
> >
> > In general, I try never to ask the user for information I can
> autodetect sane
> > defaults for, I just let them override the defaults if they want to.
> At work, we have a build farm whose purpose is to build the firmwares
> for our
> targets. The machines are quad-CPUs. Deploying a new toolchain needs
> not be
> done in the snap of fingers, and building the firmwares have the
> priority.
> So I use that to restrain the number of jobs to run in // .
> > (0) Maximum allowed load (NEW)
> > Ooh, that's nice, and something mine doesn't have.
> Yeah! One good point! :-)
> > Personally I've never had
> > a clear enough idea of what loadavg's units were to figure out how
> it equated
> > to slowing down my desktop, and I've actually found that my laptop's
> > interactivity going down the drain is almost never due to loadavg,
> it's due
> > to running out of memory and the thing going swap happy with the
> disk pegged
> > as constantaly active. (The CPU scheduler is way the heck better
> than the
> > I/O scheduler, and virtual memory is conceptually horrible and quite
> possibly
> > _never_ going to be properly fixed at the theoretical level. You
> have to
> > accurately predict the future in order to do it right, that's
> slightly
> > _worse_ than solving the halting problem...)
> >
> > (0) Nice level (NEW)
> > Again, trivial to do from the command line:
> I already have # of // jobs, and loadavg. Why not having nice as
> well?...
> > [*] Use -pipe (NEW)
> > Why would you ever bother the user with this? It's a gcc
> implementation
> > detail, and these days with a modern 2.6 kernel dentry and page
> caches you
> > probably can't even tell the difference in benchmarks because the
> data never
> > actually hits the disk anyway.
> > Have you actually benchmarked the difference?
> 10% gain on my machine (Dual AMD64, 1GiB RAM) at the time of testing.
> Much less now I have a Quad-core with 4GiB RAM.
> > [ ] Use 'ash' as CONFIG_SHELL (NEW)
> > A) I haven't got /bin/ash installed. Presumablly you need to
> install it since
> > the help says it's calling it from an absolute path?
> crosstool-NG does not build and install it. If the user wants that,
> he/she's
> responsible for installing it, yes. Maybe I should build my own...
> > B) If your scripts are so slow that you need a faster shell to run
> them,
> > possibly the problem is with the scripts rather than with the shell?
> My scripts are not so slow. ./configure scripts and Makefiles are.
> Again, using dash, the build went 10%/15% faster on my quad-core.
> > I admit that one of the potential weaknesses of my current system is
> that it
> > calls #!/bin/bash instead of #!/bin/sh. I agonized over that one a
> bit. But
> > I stayed with bash because A) dash is seriously broken, B) bash has
> been the
> > default shell of Linux since before the 0.0.1 release.
> I do explicitly call bash as well, because I use bashisms in my
> scripts.
> ./configure and Makefiles should be POSIX compliant. I am not.
> > Maximum log level to see: (INFO) --->
> > I don't have a decent idea of what you get with each of these.
> (Yes, I've
> > read the help.)
> OK, that may require a litle bit more explanations in the help.
> I don't care about the components build log. I just want to know
> whether the
> build was successful, or failed. In crosstool-NG the messages are
> sorted
> in order of importance:
> ERROR : crosstool-NG detected an error: failed
> download/extract/patch/...
> incorrect settings, internal error... ERRORs are fatal
> WARNING : non-fatal condition that crosstool-NG knows how to work
> around,
> but if you better give it correct input, rather than letting
> it
> guess.
> INFO : informs the user of the overall process going on. Very
> terse.
> Tells the current high-level step being done: doanloading,
> extracting, building a component...
> EXTRA : informs the user with a finer level of what's going on. For
> each steps listed above, prints sub-sequences: package being
> downloaded/exxtracted/patched, sub-step in building a
> component:
> ./configure-ing, make-ing, installing...
> DEBUG : messages aimed at debugging crosstool-NG's behavior.
> ALL : print everything: ./configure output, make output...
> > Oh, I pull one other dirty trick, at the end of setupfor:
> > # Change window title bar to package now
> > echo -en "\033]2;$ARCH_NAME $STAGE_NAME $PACKAGE\007"
> > So you can see in the window title bar what architecture, stage, and
> package
> > it's currently building.
> Hmm... Nice!
> > [ ] Warnings from the tools' builds (NEW)
> > Again, filtering the output of the build I leave to the user.
> They're better
> > at it,
> From an end-user perspective (yes, I *am* using crosstool-NG ;-) ), I
> don't
> care what commands are being executed to build such or such package,
> just
> that it's doing it, and that it's not stuck.
> > and 90% of the time they just want to know that it's still going,
> or
> > that it succeeded, or what error it died with.
> Yep. Exactly.
> > But I can only _guess_ what they want, so I don't.
> Not wrong per se.
> > In general, I try not to
> > assume they're not going to want to do some insane crazy thing I
> never
> > thought of, because usually I'm the one doing the insane crazy
> things the
> > people who wrote the stuff I'm using never thought of, so I
> sympathize.
> ;-)
> > [*] Progress bar (NEW)
> > I have the "dotprogress" function I use for extracting tarballs,
> prints a
> > period every 25 lines of input.
> Mine rotates the bar every tenlines. Which is the better? ;-)
> > I used to change the color of the output so you could see at a
> glance what
> > stage it was, but people complained
> Right. crosstool-NG's output used to be colored, but that just plainly
> sucks.
> And, believe it or not, some people are still using non-color-capable
> terminals...
> > [*] Log to a file (NEW)
> > Again, "./build.sh 2>&1 | tee out.txt". Pretty much programming 101
> these
> > days, if you haven't learned that for building all the other source
> packages
> > out there, cross compiling probably isn't something you're ready
> for.
> Don't believe that. I have seen many a newbie asked to build embedded
> stuff
> on an exotic board that barely had support for in Linux, said newby
> just
> getting out of school, totaly amazed at the fact that you could
> actually
> run something else than Windows on a PC, let alone that something else
> than PCs even existed...
> (Well that newbie has grown since, and is now quite a capable Linux
> guru).
> > And I'm at the end of this menu, so I'll pause here for now. (And
> you were
> > apologizing for writing a long message... :)
> I knew you would surpass me in this respect! ;-P
> ( Woohoo! I caught up with your mails! :-) )
> Regards,
> Yann E. MORIN.
> --
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