Need help with using crosstool to build toolchain for Au1550.

Anmol P. Paralkar
Mon Jul 7 03:58:00 GMT 2008

Hello Alexander,

 Many thanks for your mail and to the ct-ng community - this is very
 valuable work - thanks.

--- On Sat, 7/5/08, Alexander Bigga - Software <> wrote:

> This config for crosstool-ng. To use it, you have to
> checkout the SVN trunk
> and then:
> ./configure --prefix=/home/anmol/opt/

anmol@algorithmix:~/ct-ng$ ./configure --prefix=/home/anmol/opt/
Computing version string... ./configure: 166: Syntax error: Bad substitution

 It does not like this line:
 166:   VERSION="${VERSION/\//_}"

 However, changing:




 - it "succeeds":

anmol@algorithmix:~/ct-ng$ ./configure --prefix=/home/anmol/opt/
Computing version string... 1.1.0+svn_trunk@776M
Checking bash is at least bash-3.0... ok (3.2.25(1)-release)
Applying contributed code: done
Building up Makefile... ok
crosstool-NG configured as follows:

 - I can then carry out:

> make

anmol@algorithmix:~/ct-ng$ make
  SED    'ct-ng'
  CHMOD  'ct-ng'
  SED    'docs/ct-ng.1'
  GZIP   'docs/ct-ng.1.gz'

> make install

anmol@algorithmix:~/ct-ng$ make install
  CHMOD  'ct-ng'
  MKDIR  '/home/anmol/opt//bin'
  INST   'ct-ng'
  RMDIR  '/home/anmol/opt//lib/ct-ng-1.1.0+svn_trunk@776M/'
  MKDIR  '/home/anmol/opt//lib/ct-ng-1.1.0+svn_trunk@776M'
  INST   'arch/'
  INST   'config/'
  INST   'kconfig/'
  INST   'patches/'
  INST   'scripts/'
  INST   'tools/'
  INST   ''
  INST   'samples/'
  MKDIR  '/home/anmol/opt//share/doc/ct-ng-1.1.0+svn_trunk@776M'
  INST   'docs/CREDITS'
  INST   'docs/overview.txt'
  MKDIR  '/home/anmol/opt//share/man/man1'
  INST   'ct-ng.1.gz'

> cp samples/mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu/crosstool.config .config

> ./ct-ng build

[INFO ]  Build started 20080705.154943
[INFO ]  Checking environment sanity
[INFO ]  Building environment variables
[EXTRA]  Preparing working directories
[EXTRA]    Saving 'binutils-' to local storage
[EXTRA]    Retrieving 'gcc-4.2.3' from network
[EXTRA]    Saving 'gcc-4.2.3' to local storage
[EXTRA]    Retrieving 'glibc-2.7' from network
 <build stoppages that vanished once I successively updated tools like:
  automake, aclocal, etc>
 <build finshed>

 Resulting in:

/home/anmol/x-tools/mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/{mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc-4.2.3, ...}

 Could build: hello, world! (Have not tried it out as that's part-2 of
 the story - hope to get to full dejaGNU testing soon).

 This is s-o nice! Thanks a lot to all.

Best Regards,

> This should run. If not: write us or the mailinglist.
> Best regards,
> Alexander
> -- 
> Alexander Bigga * *


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