Email-Adresses in clear text

David Lu
Thu Sep 27 07:33:00 GMT 2007

Hi Chris,

I am not the host of I
don't know how to help you. Maybe you send the wrong email to me.



On 9/25/07, Christopher Faylor
<> wrote:
> [I was trying to do what I suggested and stop sending off-topic messages
> here but the last few messages contained some inaccuracies which needed
> to be corrected.]
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 05:53:19PM -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
> >Third, your claim that hiding email addresses is "minimal courtesy" is
> >actually not true, at least not in the open source world.  Here, we are
> >all proud of the contributions we make, since notoriety is our only
> >payment; obfuscating email addresses, while not uncommon, is certainly
> >not universal enough to be considered "common courtesy".  We have long
> >ago learned that hiding email addresses is largely useless, so instead
> >we have turned to spam filtering with a great deal of success.  And, has
> >been pointed out, the fact that email addresses are not hidden on the
> >sourceware lists is no secret: it's stated quite clearly on the web
> >page.
> >
> >Hope this helps diffuse the situation somewhat...
> Thanks for the reasoned response, Paul.
> I have to point something out however.  We DO obfuscate the email
> addresses on the html archives.  See, for example:
> The policy about not editing the archives is for people who inexplicably
> include their email addresses in the body of their messages.  Sometimes
> these people include their phone numbers and other personal data too.
> We've received complaints from people who claim not to know that the
> email that they send to a mailing list would end up on a web site
> somewhere and who demand that we do them the service of removing this
> data.  The policy was an attempt to make it clear what we will and
> will not do and the "fee" was intended as a further deterrent for
> people who thought that maybe someone would do them "a favor" "just
> this once".
> If it isn't obvious to someone that no one is getting rich (or even
> getting coffee money) from editing the email archives at
> then it seems that they haven't spent too much time thinking about the
> issue.  If we were raking in money for this, then you'd be seeing
> lots of complaints in the gcc, gdb, binutils, cygwin, *and* crossgcc
> mailing lists.
> In fact, what I usually do when someone asks to have their data edited
> is tell people that it is pointless since their data has been archived
> elsewhere.  If they still insist then, depending on how obnoxiously they
> have been insisting, I often just remove the data for free.  In case you
> want to know what guideline I'd use here - I'd definitely charge Jon S.
> Shapiro for this service.
> The *ftp* archives are not the same thing as the web archives, however.
> Until a couple of days ago I, and presumably other administrators, had
> assumed that the separate archives in ftp also had obfuscated email
> addresses.  Now I know that's not the case and I have received buy-in
> from other administrators to remove these.  So this issue should now be
> at a close.
> cgf
> --
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