Floating Point Exception when running arm-linuc-gcc on another PC

Chris MacGregor chris@bouncingdog.com
Mon Sep 17 22:34:00 GMT 2007

Pelle Svensson wrote:
> I get "Floating Point Exception" when I run arm-linuc-gcc.
> ...
> First PC has following:
> Fedora core 6
> Nativ GCC 4.1.1
> Crosstool: gcc-3.4.2-glibc-2.3.3
> My second (the one with exception):
> Fedora core 4 or 5
> Nativ GCC 4.1.0
The problem is that FC6 turns on (by default) a linker option that 
creates binaries that FC5 (and earlier) can't run.  There is a way to 
override it (don't recall what offhand, but I think the FC6 release 
notes talk about it), but I wouldn't be optimistic about your chances of 
finding all the places to patch to generate a whole toolchain with the 
right link option.  We (where I work) deal with this by simply doing the 
toolchain builds on FC5, until we manage to upgrade all the machines to FC7.

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