Using another prebuilt cross toolchain
Babarovic Ivica
Tue Sep 4 16:33:00 GMT 2007
How do I tell the scripts to use already available prebuilt
toolchains. I'm trying to use mingw cross toolchains
that come with Debian:
# apt-cache search mingw
mingw32 - Minimalist GNU win32 (cross) compiler
mingw32-binutils - Minimalist GNU win32 (cross) binutils
mingw32-runtime - Minimalist GNU win32 (cross) runtime
I'm trying to create MS Windows crosstoolchain that will output
files for powerpc-603e-linux-gnu target.
A canadian cross but with on step less since I already have
a working crosstool chain for MS windows.
Best regards,
Babarovic Ivica, R&D Engineer
ASIST avtomatizacija sistemov d.o.o. Web:
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