crosstool 0.43 ends with a sigkill?

Martin Guy
Thu Nov 15 15:57:00 GMT 2007

2007/11/15, Omone <>:
> Crosstool correctly downloads all prerequisites but ends unexpectedly with
> the message
> "ld terminated with sigal 9 [sigkill]"
> Any ideas?

That's what normally happens when your machine runs out of virtual
memory: the kernel kills whatever process requested "more memory" than
it has. Signal 9 is also characteristic of this.

You can verify this by running "vmstat 5" on a separate console: if
the "free" and "cache" columns go down to 4 digits just before it
happens, this is your problem.
If you have swap enabled on your build host, you may also see the
"swapped" column rise to a maximum, and the "si so" columns go
frantic; there will also be a lot of disk-read activity as the kernel
in it last efforts to keep the show going deallocates pages of program
text only to find that it needs to fetch them back in again from disk.

The last lines of the output of "dmesg", if you run it just after the
crash, should also be illuminating.

Other than adding more RAM, you could try configuring some (or some
more) swap space on your build host - get back in touch if you need
pointers on how to do this.


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