Crosstool-NG does not work (help!)

Wed Nov 7 23:13:00 GMT 2007

Hello Harvey! (or is it John?)
Hello all!

On Wednesday 07 November 2007 21:31:13 a harvey wrote:
> I am using Ubuntu Gutsy 64-bit.

Could you check /bin/sh, please? Is it a symlink to ash or bash?

> me@my-desktop:~/downloads$ ct-ng config
> gcc: /usr/local/lib/ct-ng-0.3.1/kconfig/{conf.c,}: No such file
> or directory 
> gcc: no input files
> make: *** [/home/me/downloads/kconfig/conf] Error 1

Looks like your shell can not expand braces. bash can. ash can't.

> The same thing happens with menuconfig.

'menuconfig' uses a common rule with plain 'config' (and by the way, plain
'config' is such a pain to use, you definitely want to use 'menuconfig').

> I tried the SVN and previous versions, but I still got the same error. Can
> anyone shed some light on this?

Once you check which shell you are using, then we might have a clue.
If this is really a shell problem, then I'd have to force make to use bash.
Anyway, bash is already a pre-requisite for the internal scripts to run, so
this is no real problem.

Yann E. MORIN.

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