arm-none-linux-gnueabi finishes in an infinite glibc configure loop

Steve Papacharalambous
Wed Sep 20 14:19:00 GMT 2006

Hi Valentin, in the crosstool-0.42_fsl archive changes 
glibc-2.4/glibc-ports-2.4 to glibc-2.4/ports, so if you are not using 
this archive to build the toolchain then you need to change this 
directory from glibc-ports-2.4 to ports after the archives have been 
extracted and patched,

Best regards,


Valentin Longchamp wrote:
> I guess this path refers to the unpacked glibc-2.4 directory, wihch for
> me is at ~/downloads/glibc-2.4. I have a nptl directory there (which is
> not available for arm according to the previous compile fail messsage)
> but no port directory.
> What am I missing.
> Thank you for all your help,
> Valentin
> Steve Papacharalambous wrote:
>>Hi Valentin,
>>The srpm for the toolchain that you are using is available from:
>>and the name of the rpm is: tc-fsl-x86lnx-armeabi-nptl-4.1.1-2.src.rpm
>>If you install the srpm and then extract the crosstool archive,
>>crosstool-0.42_fsl26Jun06.tar.gz, the patches that were used to build
>>this toolchain can be found in the crosstool patches subdirectory, so
>>the patches applied to glibc-2.4 will be in:
>>and the patches applied to glibc-ports will be in:
>>Hope that this helps,
>>Best regards,
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