1/2 OT: my own libtool ...

Enrico Weigelt weigelt@metux.de
Mon Sep 19 13:23:00 GMT 2005

Hi folks,

since I had trouble over trouble with libtool and sysroot'ed
building, I've sit down an wrote my own implementation, which
is in fact an frontend for my first attemts of some platform 
independent toolchain wrapper called unitool.

you can get it via cvs:


I'm now planning to get some step further:

Not just abstracting the toolchain commands, but instead create
a simplicistic model for declaring the structure of common 
software types, ie. libraries or executables, so we can easily
write build tools for every target we want, without having to 
hack around makefiles, etc. We just declare *exactly* what makes 
up our package (and nothing more) and let the appropriate build
tool do the dirty work. Platform dependent things and even 
file locations, output formats, etc are completely out the scope
of the package developer now.

For a simple library our build info could look like this:

    style:		c-library-plain-1.0
    library:		foo
    source:		a.c b.c d.c
    private-header:	defs.h
    header-prefix:	foo/
    public-header:	foo_core.h foo_one.h foo_two.h
    import-library:	X11

Of course there have to be more complex things, ie. platform dependent
or user-selected features, feature dependencies, etc.

... what do you think about this ?

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service

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