Anthony Wright anthony.wright@overnetdata.com
Fri Nov 11 16:12:00 GMT 2005

Can anybody explain what the purpose of these two variables are in the 
crosstool configuration files?

As far as I can tell the only effect they have is to cause 
"linuxthreads" & "crypt" to be added to GLIBC_ADDON_OPTIONS if they are 
present, and their actual values have no effect.

GLIBCCRYPT_FILENAME is only set for glibc-2.1.3 builds, but glibc-2.1.3 
does not seem to reference the variable.

GLIBCTHREADS_FILENAME is set for all non-cygwin builds, but I can't see 
any reference to it in the glibc's that I've looked at, and in any case 
it always seems to mirror GLIBC_DIR (if GLIBC_DIR is glibc-V.V.V, 
GLIBCTHREADS_FILENAME is glibc-linuxthreads-V.V.V)


Tony Wright.

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