What all should I take care while compiling and running?

Chuck Meade chuckmeade@mindspring.com
Wed Nov 9 14:42:00 GMT 2005

> > Note the "for GNU/Linux 2.4.3".  Check your working a.out file the same
> > way (use the file command on it).  I bet you will see a substantially
> > different version number than 2.4.3.  Considering that that kernel
> > is from March 2001, you can bet that a lot has changed since then in
> > the kernel, in gcc, glibc, and binutils.
> "2.4.3" refers to "minimum linux that it will run on".  I used to see a 
> lot of 2.0.0 for no reason.  making it match more closely should only 
> reduce redundant code for kernels you'll never use, but it shouldn't be 
> setting the kernel version exactly.  It's just a minimum, as far as I know.
> Allan

I checked some ARM cross tools here that are used with kernel version 2.6.10
and got "2.4.17" out of the "file" command.  So I think you are right about
that being a "minimum linux that it will run on".

Something is certainly different enough though in his tool versions that one
outputs a working hello world program and one doesn't.

I went ahead and fired up a target and tested the programs he sent.  The
statically linked one works for me with a 2.6.10 kernel.  His dynamically
linked version fails.  When I strace the failing one, the execve() call
causes ENOENT.  So there is something causing the system to reject this file.

He can either debug through the Linux program loading logic or just
use the tools that work.  Something about his tools is either buggy or
built/configured wrong.


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