gcc 3.3.3: start, exit etc. unresolved

Toralf Lund toralf@procaptura.com
Fri Oct 22 12:33:00 GMT 2004

I'm now trying to build using gcc 3.3.3 (+ newlib) on my M68k setup, 
where 2.95.3 was used earlier. Compilation works fine after a few minor 
adjustments, but link fails with lots of unresolved symbols, including 
missing start() and exit() - see linker output below. I'm using exactly 
the same newlib setup as earlier, and identical build options for 
cross-gcc as well as the actual app.

Can anyone explain this? Has anything changed related to the way crt0 
etc. is handled?

m68k-coff-gcc  -m68000 sc_main_e.o track_e.o regul.o corrtab.o scu_c_e.o 
scue_ihnd.o sc_remot_e.o sc_option.o sc_abort.o scudbg.o llevio.o vtx.o 
parse.o clib.o -lc -lm -T tsvme430.ld -o scue
sc_main_e.o(.text+0xea2): In function `ExitCmd':
/usr/work/fb/src/SCU/sc_main.c:465: undefined reference to `start'
track_e.o(.text+0x4208): In function `ServoError':
/usr/work/fb/src/SCU/track.c:1253: undefined reference to `start'
scu_c_e.o(.text+0x13f0): In function `DefErrorSig':
/usr/work/fb/src/SCU/scu_c.c:1017: undefined reference to `start'
clib.o(.text+0x132): In function `software_init_hook':
/usr/work/fb/src/SCU/clib.c:51: undefined reference to `start'
In function `__do_global_dtors':
undefined reference to `__EH_FRAME_BEGIN__'
In function `__do_global_ctors':
undefined reference to `__EH_FRAME_BEGIN__'
In function `abort':
undefined reference to `_exit'
In function `_kill_r':
undefined reference to `kill'
In function `_getpid_r':
undefined reference to `getpid'

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