possible error for cross-gcc-2.3.5-glibc-2.3.2?

Dan Kegel dank@kegel.com
Mon Oct 11 17:01:00 GMT 2004

Carlos de wrote:
> my modification done were - 
>    configured demo-arm9tdmi.sh directly with the
> absolute paths for the tarball directory where i had
> placed all the necessary files i.e. gcc-3.3.5,
> binutils-2.15, glibs-2.3.2 , glibc-linuxthreads-2.3.2
> and linux- 
>    added a new gcc-3.3.5-glibc-2.3.2.dat file with the
> various versions mentioned (with the nec modification
> to demo-arm9tdmi.sh) .
>    also copied the default config for the s3c2410-
> smdk2410 implementation as arm.config.

That helps, but it's not enough for me to reproduce.
Can you send me the files you changed, and send me
the URLs where you downloaded tarballs from?
Also, which version of crosstool did you use?
I need an easy way to exactly replicate your setup
before I can figure out your problem.
- Dan

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