reporting crosstool success from mac osx -> arm-linux for nslu2
Dan Kegel
Tue Nov 16 15:34:00 GMT 2004
Randy Melton wrote:
> First thanks for your work on crosstool!
You're welcome!
> I spent a week and a half trying to manually build "the latest"
> gcc/glibc cross for arm-linux running on a mac os-x. (I'm still
> digging through bugs there) using what I learned I was able to get
> crosstool-0.28-rc35 to build on my second attempt. (My test was a
> simple hello world, not exactly exhaustive.)
> My directions are on the nslu2 wiki site at:
Hey, that's nice. I'll happily link to or incorporate that.
I suspect, though, that using fink (or that other
package) would be easier for most people.
That's the approach I mention in my MacOSX notes
(did you see that?)
> When I find time I'd like to submit some glibc configure patches. Not
> so much to
> solve configure problems, but to avoid the "hang forever on sed" and
> "assume readelf
> exists" type of things...
Sounds like a good idea. Maybe you could contribute them
to crosstool first, then once they get a good shakedown there,
submit them directly to the glibc project?
> I couldn't find any instructions for the mac so i don't know if I'm
> duplicating any efforts. If you have any comments I'd appreciate
> hearing about them.
I think the crosstool-howto.html in rc35 was just as up to date
as the one I link to above. Did you notice the MacOSX section in it?
- Dan
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