cross compiler for gcc3.4 and binutils 2.15 for x86_64

Dimitry Andric
Wed Nov 3 19:27:00 GMT 2004

On 2004-11-03 at 11:28:04 jonathan li wrote:

> when I build gcc, I get the error as follows.
> -Wl,--version-script=libgcc/./ -o
> I don't know why ld need crti.o, I compile bintuils and gcc all in static.

You're building gcc with --enable-shared, so it tries to build, the shared gcc library.  This is what needs crti.o and
another bunch of crt object files.  So you can only build it AFTER
you've built and installed glibc (or another C library).

These chicken-and-egg problems are always nice, eh. :)
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