Extra patches.

Steve Papacharalambous stevep@zee2.com
Fri Jul 23 09:11:00 GMT 2004


There have been several times when I've needed to apply patches which 
are specific to a particular toolchain build, and not really suitable to 
go into the general patches directory for the toolchain component, as 
they would break the builds for the other architectures using that 
toolchain component.

The method that I use is to put these patches into a new directory under 
the patches directory, and pass a variable, EXTRA_PATCHES, to getandpatch.sh

So for example building a toolchain, myspecial, using gcc-3.3.2 the 
additional patches are put into a directory: patches/gcc-3.3.2-myspecial
EXTRA_PATCHES is set to "myspecial" and getandpatch applies the patches 
in gcc-3.3.2 and gcc-3.3.2-myspecial to gcc-3.3.2

In case others have come across this situation before, I've attached the 
changes to getandpatch.sh to implement this feature,

- Steve

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