arm-elf toolchain?

Steve Sanders
Fri Feb 20 22:16:00 GMT 2004

forgive the uniformed questions of newbie here. I will try to be brief.

my quest:
-I would like to build a set of gnu tools for an arm7tdmi processor.
-I wish to use newlib
-I wish to use only soft-float support
-I wish to support both arm and thumb modes and interworking
-I wish to be able to run some kind of verification suite on the resulting
-I wish to use the insight gdb debugger

my questions
- can crossgcc be used to build this configuration?
- can crossgcc be used to test this configuration?
- which versions of gcc, binutils, newlib, & gdb are most stable for this
- does arm simulator for gdb support thumb mode and interworking?

Thanks for any support.

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