How to get printf() output?

Toralf Lund
Thu Sep 25 13:13:00 GMT 2003

>> Toralf Lund wrote:
>>> Can someone repeat for me what I should do to get printf() to work 
>>> when linking with newlib, but not libgloss? I was under the 
>>> impression that write() would be called eventually, but it looks 
>>> like it isn't. I've tried step-tracing the printf execution via the 
>>> ROM monitor to find out what is going on, but it's a bit hard to 
>>> follow...
>>> Just to make it clear: I have provided custom version all routines 
>>> necessary to link the application correctly, including read(), 
>>> write(), open() and close(). I'm linking with libc, libm and crt0.o, 
>>> but not libgloss or similar.
[ And so on ]

I just discovered something purely by accident: printf() behaves like 
sprintf() on my setup - if I do

char buffer[1024];

printf(buffer, "string\n");
write(0, buffer, strlen(buffer));

then "string" will appear on the TTY (not when calling printf(), but 
after write().) Any idea why this happens? How can I change the behaviour?

My first thought when I discovered this was that I must have
    #define printf sprintf
somewhere, but that's not it, as the function call is still printf(), 
not sprintf(), after preprossing.

- Toralf

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