cross compiling x86-linux to alpha-linux

Stephen A. Witt
Wed Sep 17 19:11:00 GMT 2003

Yes, the problem was that at least one of the toolchains being built was a
gcc3.3 and I didn't have a native gcc3.2, but the point I was trying to
make was that I don't think this process can be made totally turn-key.
There have to be example control scripts provided (, but one has
to have some understanding of what is in there. I think it is also nice
when the provided configuration isn't necessary the most simple either, so
showing that multiple toolchains can be built at the same time is a good
thing I think. I was trying to say that I think is good the way it
is and each of us needs to put a little effort into learning to use it in
a way that benefits the specific goal we have.

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