Avoid running ./configure every time?

Alexandros Karypidis karypid@inf.uth.gr
Tue Aug 19 15:48:00 GMT 2003

Hi all,

The short version:

Is there a way I can have two sets of Makefiles prepared, by running 
"./configure" with different options twice (once for the native version and 
once for the cross-compile version) and to switch between then quickly?

The long version:

I've been developing some stuff which I run on an iPaq for a while now. The 
cycle I use is:

1) Do a lot of work on my desktop
2) Cross-compile for ARM
3) Transfer to iPaq
4) Test

My problem is that step (2) takes a significant amount of time. My project is 
split into several sub-projects, each with its own build system. That means 
that I have to run "./configure" for each sub-project and then re-build 
everything. I was wondering:

Is there a way I can have two sets of Makefiles prepared, by running 
"./configure" with different options twice (once for the native version and 
once for the cross-compile version) and to switch between then quickly?

.liaj ot og -- ACMD eht detaloiv evah uoy ,ecnetnes siht no noitpyrcne eht
gnikaerb yB

To err is human, but to forgive is beyond the scope of the Operating System...

Alexandros Karypidis
University of Thessaly
Computer & Communications Engineering dept.

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