Crt0.s for AT91

Elwyn Campbell
Wed Nov 27 19:34:00 GMT 2002


We are having intermittent problems with our AT91 ARM-based processor.
(AT91M40400 to be exact...)

I have build the gcc 3.2 cross compiler for arm-elf format with newlib.
This has been working up until recently for about the last 2 months.
Previously, we used a gcc 2.95 compiler for over a year with no major

We have cut our code back to a simple mainline with some basic memory
allocation which still causes the processor to crash in its setup

Everything so far points to the heap not being allocated in the startup
script, crt0.s which we have created for our own crt0 library. How does
gcc handle this when it is a cross compiler? Does the processor need to
be specified on the command line?

Is there any documentation or faq's around with details of exactly what
is needed in this startup script and crt0.s?

Many thanks in advance!

Elwyn Campbell
Systems Engineer 
108 Marine Terrace, Fremantle, Western Australia, 6160, Australia 
T +61 8 9431 0000, F +61 8 9430 5901, 

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