ARM Cross-Assembler

Bahadir Balban
Tue Nov 19 19:55:00 GMT 2002

Hi there,
I've got arm-elf-gcc and arm-elf-gdb working on my linux box, however I 
would also like to use an assembly development program, just like the one 
included in ARM dev suite. I don't know about gcc assembler but I guess it 
is a raw assembler that compiles raw code. (i.e. gives errors when labels or 
comments included in a assembly.s file)

Is there a way of gcc-as to work that way? Does anyone know such assembly 
development program that can be cross compiled to work for ARM?

I have worked on mixed asm and c files in a project but only with ADS, So, 
if all this is impossible, may I ask how you write mixed code? How do you 
compile using gcc assembly code written with ADS? Sorry if these questions 
sound stupid but I don't have much experience in this.

Thanks a lot.

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