libio/stdfiles.c:46: parse error before `_IO_lock_t'

David Korn
Wed Jul 18 07:39:00 GMT 2001

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Alexander Thorp [ ]
>Sent: 18 July 2001 13:39

>I am trying to compile gcc-2.95.3 for powerpc-wrs-vxworks with David Korn's
>patches, and have got the following problems in libio:

    Hi Alex,

  My home PC was offline for a couple of weeks with a bunch of problems that
I eventually had to reinstall the OS to fix, and I've received your mail
but just haven't worked my way though the backlog yet.  Or have I?  I'm
sure I remember writing something, but it might still be sitting half-done
in my drafts folder.

  Anyway the problem is almost certainly that you need to get and install
autogen, since my patches only provide changes to fixincs' inclhack.def
template script, and autogen is needed to rebuild the shell
script from the template.  Alas, if you don't have autogen installed, it
just issues a warning and goes ahead using the old out of date,
which of course then doesn't perform the fixes that I changed in the 

  This problem doesn't affect anyone who d'ls the full source archive from
my site, since I built that version on my pc with autogen installed before
releasing it, and so the is up-to-date relative to the template
file; it only happens if you apply the patches.  I should add the diffs
between the before-and-after version of to the diff files from
my website I guess, but it could take me a while to get round to.

  If you'd like me to send you a copy of directly to see if it
works (and to save you downloading that entire huge source archive or the
autogen install), drop me a line off the list.

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