unable to x-compile (or howto stop after stage 1)

Johannes Zellner johannes@zellner.org
Mon Jul 16 14:45:00 GMT 2001


I can successfully configure and build cross-binutils for a
mipsel target.  I can also successfully build the stage 1
cross-gcc for mipsel but naturally further stages make no
sense and fail. My host sytem is a i686 linux.

How do I install the crosscompiler (w/o doing everything
manually) ?

I think I've read all the documentation in the gcc info files
and the crossgcc FAQ.

Basically I did:

    tar zxf binutils??.tar.gz
    cd binutils
    mkdir build-mipsel-linux
    cd build-mipsel-linux
    ../configure --target=mipsel-linux
    make install

    tar zxf gcc??.tar.gz
    cd gcc
    mkdir build-mipsel-linux
    cd build-mipsel-linux
    ../configure --target=mipsel-linux

where the last make fails.

I tried also 'make cross'. Furthermore I specified --with-headers
to point to the headers of the correct libc.

Any help much appreciated.


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