Exception Handling

Kai Ruottu kai.ruottu@luukku.com
Wed Apr 18 03:20:00 GMT 2001

Joel Dierks wrote:
> Hello
> I am new to the list as well as new to GCC.  I know
> that GCC does not provide for interrupt handling so
> I am asking you all how to handle it.  I am writing
> code for the Motorola MMC2107.

 To which Motorola CPU-family the MMC2107 does belong?
The Coldfires are MCF5x and the M.COREs are MMC2xxx, so
it must be a M.CORE, although I couldn't find any reference
into MMC2107 in my M.CORE docs...

 But I have at least two docs from Motorola which handle
the interrupt issues with M.CORE and they were almost the
first to meet on the Motorola-site, like the:

Class 370", John Vaglica, M·CORE Core Technology Manager,
Motorola, Inc., Semiconductor Products Sector. 

 And my GCC has some kind of support for ISRs via the
'__attribute__((interrupt))', in some alpha/beta preliminary

----------------------- clip ----------------------------
	.file	"isr_demo.c"
	.align	1
	.export	handle_intr
	.type	 handle_intr,@function
	subi	sp,32
	subi	sp,28
	stm	r1-r15,(sp)
	lrw	r4, count
	ldw	r7,(r4)
	addi	r7,1
	stw	r7,(r4)
	ldw	r6,(r4)
	lrw	r7,0x190	// 400
	cmpne	r6,r7
	jbt	.L3
	lrw	r5,0xffffd6	// 16777174
	ld.b	r6,(r5)
	movi	r7,1
	xor	r7,r6
	st.b	r7,(r5)
	movi	r7,0
	stw	r7,(r4)
	lrw	r6,0xffff67	// 16777063
	ld.b	r7,(r6)
	lrw	r5,0xfe	// 254
	and	r7,r5
	st.b	r7,(r6)
	ldm	r1-r15,(sp)
	addi	sp,32
	addi	sp,28
	.size	 handle_intr,.Lfe1-handle_intr
	.align	1
	.export	fatal_quit
	.type	 fatal_quit,@function
	bmaski	r2,32	// -1 0xffffffff
	jbsr	_exit
----------------------- clip ----------------------------

Probably I did some work with tidying those 'noreturn'
functions and their prologue/epilogues too, so that
'fatal_quit()' is here too...

Ok, the ISR-function prologue:

	subi	sp,32
	subi	sp,28
	stm	r1-r15,(sp)

and the epilogue:

	ldm	r1-r15,(sp)
	addi	sp,32
	addi	sp,28

are still quite simple... No nested interrupts enabled.

 The next phase could be to add the support for nested
interrupts, ie the following code generated into the
prologue, following the scheme in the pp 22-23 in the
mentioned document:

----------------------- clip ----------------------------
	mfcr	epsr,r14	// Get the shadow
	mfcr	epc,r15		// registers where they can be written to memory
	subi	r0,8		// Adjust the stack again
	stm	r14-r15,(r0)	// Save the shadow regs
				// Re-enable Normal Interupts and General Exceptions
	mfcr	r14,psr		// Get psr current contents into r14
	bseti	r14,8		// Re-enable exceptions
	bseti	r14,6		// Re-enable normal interrupts
	mtcr	r14,psr		// Move new contents into psr
----------------------- clip ----------------------------

and to add the related code into the epilogue... As seen,
this causes overhead and whether this is necessary or not,
is the problem... Perhaps there should be two kind of ISRs,
those which may be interrupted (using the longer prologue
and epilogue) and those which may not (using the simpler
ones). And the two attributes "nested_interrupt" and
"interrupt" for them...

> I mainly need to know how to embed assembly code into C
> source files using GCC.

 The GCC manual and the section "Assembler Instructions
with C Expression Operands" in the "Extensions to the C
Language Family" should teach this... As always, the
manuals are your best friends, if you haven't them, find
out where to find them... For instance the Motorola M.CORE
GNU-tools distributions used to come with PDF-format manuals.

Cheers, Kai

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