C Startup Code

Andrew Pines apines@cosmodog.com
Tue Apr 17 21:20:00 GMT 2001

.text -- code
.rodata -- read-only data (constants)
.data -- initialized data
.bss -- uninitialized data (cleared to zeroes on startup)

have a link file containing something like this:

     .text :
          _text = .;           /* start of text */
          *(.rodata)           /* read only data (in ROM) */
          *(.text)             /* code */
          _etext = .;          /* end of text */
     } >ROM

     .data : AT (ADDR(.text) + SIZEOF(.text))   /* place initialized
data after read only data in ROM, but reference to it in RAM */
          _data = .;           /* RAM location of initialized data */
          _edata = .;          /* end of data, used to copy initialized
data at start up */
     } >RAM

     .bss :
          _bss = .;            /* start of uninitialized data (clear to
0 at program start) */
          *(.bss) *(COMMON)    /* uninitilized data goes in RAM after
initialized data */
          _ebss = .;           /* end of uninitialized data */
     } >RAM

your reset vector should then point to something like this:

void _start()				// jump here on reset
        extern int main();

        extern char _etext;
        extern char _data;
        extern char _edata;
        extern char _bss;
        extern char _ebss;

        char *src;
        char *dst;

        // copy initialized data from ROM to RAM

       // zero-out the bss segment (uninitialized data)

        // run the main program

Hope that's useful.  Good luck.


Rohit Prasad wrote:
> Hi,
>    Since this question has been asked let me announce my need  to understand or get hold of working example/ sample code for the startup routines for knowing what the .bss and .data contains. (in context of GCC )
> Waiting ,with my fingers crossed,
> Rohit S Prasad
> Desg Engg
> Future Software Ltd
> India
> -----Original Message-----
> From:    Joel Dierks saxofon@musician.net
> Sent:    17 Apr 2001 18:15:24 -0000
> To:      crossgcc@sourceware.cygnus.com
> Subject: C Startup Code
> Joel R. Dierks
> Digital Design Engineer
> Spectrian Corporation
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Andrew Pines

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