How to get gcc-2.95.1 to use pre-installed headers without copying?

Graham Stoney
Tue Aug 24 19:04:00 GMT 1999

Hi There,

I've managed to install a powerpc-linux cross compiler tool chain using
gcc-2.95, binutils-990809 snapshot, and glibc-2.1.2pre2 on our
i686-pc-linux-gnu Red Hat 6.0 system. In the mean time, gcc-2.95.1 has been
released, so I want to upgrade. My installation looks like this:

Target stuff:

Host stuff:

I've made these symlinks, to avoid needing 2 copies of all the libraries:
    /usr/local/i686-pc-linux-gnu/powerpc-linux/include -> /usr/local/powerpc-linux/include
    /usr/local/i686-pc-linux-gnu/powerpc-linux/lib -> /usr/local/powerpc-linux/lib

My question: how do I get gcc-2.95.1 to use the glibc headers I already have
installed in /usr/local/i686-pc-linux-gnu/powerpc-linux/include when building

If I specify this directory using --with-headers, configure copies the
previously installed glibc headers (while trying to fixinclude them) into
/usr/local/i686-pc-linux-gnu/powerpc-linux/sys-include; but they don't need
fixincluding, and I just want to use them as they are. If I don't specify
--with-headers, the cross compiled build of libiberty fails because it can't
find basic stuff like stdio.h. Is there any easy way to tell the gcc configure/
build how to find these headers without ending up with a duplicate copy?


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