function reference from standard library
C. M. Heard/VVNET, Inc.
Tue Oct 13 07:52:00 GMT 1998
On Tue, 13 Oct 1998, Dony wrote:
> Yeah, I suspect also the same, since even main function reference
> wasn't found.
> x----------
> main.o(.text+0x18):main.c undefined reference to '__main'
> x----------
__main (which executes C++ static constructors) resides in libgcc.a.
It's not needed in a C-only program, but including it allows a mixture
of C and C++ modules to be used with a C main program (although that's
not, in fact, required by the ISO standard). In general, libgcc.a is
needed for certain (target-dependent) builtins for which gcc does not
emit open-code.
> I don't know what I have done wrong.
> I have already included the directory of std. header file
> during compiling, and also the library during linking.
> My makefile like this :
> X----------
> CC = m68k-coff-gcc
> LD = m68k-coff-ld
> # Here located all the standard header files
> INC = c:/gcc-m68k/m68k-coff/include
> # Here located all the 'lib*.a'
> LIB = c:/gcc-m68k/m68k-coff/lib/m68000
> CFLAGS = -m68000 -ansi -Wall -O2 -I$(INC)
> LDFLAGS = -s -n -Tmsdsl.ld -L$(LIB)
I don't know is this has changed in recent releases, but libgcc.a depends on
the specific version of the compiler, and is not found along with the usual
runtime library stuff. I had to add an explicit path to it in my makefile
when I started using linker directive files (like your msdsl.ld); for
some reason that seems to turn off all of the standard library paths that
are available by defaut, including the one to libgcc.a. My LDFLAGS is
LDFLAGS = -t -L /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/mips64orion-idt-elf/2.7.2
and I explicitly include libgcc.a in the list of modules in
my .ld file. Details will differ for you.
> PROG = crt0.o control.o extern.o gti_avm.o gti_be.o gti_cof.o gti_ipu.o
> \
> gti_sas.o gti_tr.o gtidebug.o gtifram.o gtihip.o gtiinit.o \
> gtiparam.o gtiram.o gtixcvr.o hdlc.o hic.o main.o malloc.o \
> scc.o uart.o vers.o
> driver: msdsl.ld $(PROG)
> $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o driver.x $(PROG)
> crt0.o: crt0.S asm.h mc68302.h
> $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -c -o $@
> ...............
> ...............
> ...............
> X----------
> --
> Dony
> Email :
C. M. Heard/VVNET, Inc.
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