GCC 2.8.1 for PowerPC/EABI: interrupt handler

Mark Naumann naumann@wagoner.sps.mot.com
Thu Jun 25 14:18:00 GMT 1998


Which processor are you using?  For the 603e, here is the minimal code
needed in the interrupt vector to call an EABI handler...

	# Interrupts are disabled at this point.
	# create an isr stack frame before calling C function
	stwu	r1,-16(r1)
	stw	r0,12(r1)	# save r0
	mflr	r0
	stw	r0,20(r1)	# save lr
	bl	_int_isr
	# unwind isr stack frame
	lwz	r0,20(r1)	# restore lr
	mtlr	r0
	lwz	r0,12(r1)	# restore r0
	addi	r1,r1,16

This assumes that you know that your interrupt stack can be put on top
of the current user stack.  If that is not the case, the code would be
slightly different. 

Mark W Naumann                   Networking Systems Division
Motorola, SemiCustom Solutions   phone: +01.602.814.4880
1300 N Alma School Rd, CH260     fax:   +01.602.814.4058
Chandler AZ 85224 USA            email: Mark_Naumann-rysw20@email.mot.com

Yaroslav Domaratski-R35383 <Yaroslav_Domaratski-R35383@email.sps.mot.com> writes:
  > Hello,
  > Is "interrupt" pragma supported for PowerPC/EABI target in GCC 2.8.1?
  > It seems like I can not force the compiler to generate prologue/epilogue
  > code (gcc doe not generate anything):
  > #pagma interrupt
  > void myHandler( void )
  > {
  >  ...
  > }
  > GCC command line:
  > $ gcc -c -ansi -g -gdwarf -O0 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mcpu=505
  > -mno-relocatable -meabi -o file.o file.c
  > If "interrupt" pragma is not supported, then is it possible to use other
  > GCC possibilities instead (like command line options, fnction modifiers,
  > ...)?
  > Thanks in advance,
  > Yaroslav

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