RTEMS running under Solaris 2.5

Tony Bennett tbennett@chapelhill.hp.com
Wed Apr 16 10:59:00 GMT 1997

Khalid> The problem is that all RTEMS tasks seem to utilise the same errno
Khalid> variable, which leads to some problems concerning the application
Khalid> I am developing.

I assume you are using newlib, and are linking properly w/ newlib instead
of some other libc....

Do you have the extension manager linked into your app?

libc_init() in c/src/lib/libc/newlibc.c installs the "newlib" hooks
as extensions to thread create, start, begin, switch and delete hooks.

Try putting a breakpoint on libc_create_hook().  It should be called
as you create each thread.  I think the start hook does the work
of allocating a new reent structure.


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