libbzip2 - BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress issue

Nick Zorn
Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 GMT 2019

What that guy meant to say in the first sentence was "compressed", not

"If the size of the buffer allocated to receive the decompressed data
is bigger than the compressed data (which is completely
normal/expected, given you likely do not know how big the decompressed
data will be), one can never receive BZ_OK as a return value -- one
will only ever get BZ_UNEXPECTED_EOF."


On Thu, 21 Nov 2019 22:19:46 +0000, Nick V. Zorn wrote:
> Hello bzip2 developers,
> I believe I found a potential issue inside the convenience function
> BZ_API(BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress).
> If the size of the buffer allocated to receive the decompressed data is
> bigger than the compressed data (which is completely normal/expected,
> given you likely do not know how big the decompressed data will be), one can
> never receive BZ_OK as a return value -- one will only ever get
> BZ_UNEXPECTED_EOF. But more importantly, the destLen value will not be
> updated, making the returned data essentially unusable.
> So I made some minor modifications to the code (starting at line 1337 in
> bzlib.c), commented below. I have been using it continuously and without
> error inside an application for over a year.
>    output_overflow_or_eof:
>    if (strm.avail_out > 0) {
>        *destLen -= strm.avail_out; // NVZ added this line 08 Nov 2018
>        BZ2_bzDecompressEnd ( &strm );
>        return BZ_OK; // NVZ changed this return value from BZ_UNEXPECTED_EOF on 08 Nov 2018
>    } else {
>       BZ2_bzDecompressEnd ( &strm );
>       return BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL;>    };
> Feel free to ignore or shut this down. Otherwise, I hope I may have been
> able to identify an area for potential improvement in a great library. It's
> also nice to see people picking up the torch and continuing to support it.
> Thank you.

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