buildbot users try branch builders for libabigail

Mark Wielaard
Tue Jul 19 23:35:26 GMT 2022


I setup git users try branches for libabigail. If you have commit
access to libabigail.git you can now push to a users/<name>/try-xxx
branch and the buildbot will do builds and sent you (the commit
author) email about the results. The builds are also visible at:

My workflow to use this (if I had libabigail commit access) looks

- git checkout -b pr29346
- hack, hack, hack... OK, looks good to submit
- git commit -a -m "The ultimate PR29346 fix"
- git push origin pr29346:users/mark/try-pr29346
- ... wait for the emails to come in or watch buildbot logs ...
- Send in patches and mention what the try bot reported

After your patches have been accepted you can delete the branch again:
- git push origin :users/mark/try-pr29346

Please use this only for patches you intend to submit and think are
ready but want to double check. Use the GCC Compile Farm machines if
you need to hack edit/compile/debug on a specific architecture.

But if you really need access to one of the buildbot machines for
investigating an issue, please contact

The try builders also upload logs to the bunsendb. And so are
visible here

Please sent feedback (bad or good) to



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