; Relaxation is possible from @aa:32 to @aa:16 for following instructions ; ldc.w @@aa:32,ccr ; stc.w ccr,@@aa:32 ; ldc.w @aa:32,exr ; stc.w exr,@aa:32 .h8300s .globl _start ; ; Relaxation of aa:32 ; _start: ldc @s1:32,ccr ldc @s2:32,ccr ldc @s3:32,ccr ldc @s4:32,ccr ldc @s5:32,ccr ldc @s6:32,ccr ldc @s7:32,ccr ldc @s8:32,ccr ldc @s9:32,ccr ldc @s10:32,ccr stc ccr,@s1:32 stc ccr,@s2:32 stc ccr,@s3:32 stc ccr,@s4:32 stc ccr,@s5:32 stc ccr,@s6:32 stc ccr,@s7:32 stc ccr,@s8:32 stc ccr,@s9:32 stc ccr,@s10:32 ldc @s1:32,exr ldc @s2:32,exr ldc @s3:32,exr ldc @s4:32,exr ldc @s5:32,exr ldc @s6:32,exr ldc @s7:32,exr ldc @s8:32,exr ldc @s9:32,exr ldc @s10:32,exr stc exr,@s1:32 stc exr,@s2:32 stc exr,@s3:32 stc exr,@s4:32 stc exr,@s5:32 stc exr,@s6:32 stc exr,@s7:32 stc exr,@s8:32 stc exr,@s9:32 stc exr,@s10:32 .equ s1,0 .equ s2,0x7fff .equ s3,0x8000 .equ s4,0xff00 .equ s5,0xffff00 .equ s6,0xffff7fff .equ s7,0xffff8000 .equ s8,0xfffffeff .equ s9,0xffffff00 .equ s10,0xffffffff .end