[PATCH 2/3] x86: Drop SwapSources

Jan Beulich jbeulich@suse.com
Mon Apr 29 13:49:01 GMT 2024

On 29.04.2024 15:41, Cui, Lili wrote:
>> On 29.04.2024 14:23, Cui, Lili wrote:
>>>> On 28.04.2024 06:47, Cui, Lili wrote:
>>>>>> On 26.04.2024 10:14, Cui, Lili wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 24.04.2024 09:23, Cui, Lili wrote:
>>>>>>>>> --- a/gas/config/tc-i386.c
>>>>>>>>> +++ b/gas/config/tc-i386.c
>>>>>>>>> @@ -10434,6 +10434,14 @@ build_modrm_byte (void)
>>>>>>>>>    switch (i.tm.opcode_modifier.vexvvvv)
>>>>>>>>>      {
>>>>>>>>> +    case VexVVVV_SRC2:
>>>>>>>>> +      if (source != op)
>>>>>>>>> +	{
>>>>>>>>> +	  v = source++;
>>>>>>>>> +	  break;
>>>>>>>>> +	}
>>>>>>>>> +      /* For XOP: vpshl* and vpsha*.  */
>>>>>>>>> +      /* Fall through.  */
>>>>>>>>>      case VexVVVV_SRC1:
>>>>>>>> This falling-through is odd and hence needs a better comment
>>>>>>>> (then also covering vprot*, which afaict is similarly affected).
>>>>>>>> The reason for this is the XOP.W-controlled operand swapping, if
>>>>>>>> I'm not mistaken? In which case perhaps instead of the
>>>>>>>> fall-through here the logic swapping the operands should replace
>>>>>>>> VexVVVV_SRC2 by
>>>>>> VexVVVV_SRC1?
>>>>>>> Yes, vprot* should be included, and it is related to
>>>>>>> XOP.W-controlled
>>>>>> operand swapping, the comments says " /* Only the first two
>>>>>> register operands need reversing, alongside flipping VEX.W.  */ ",
>>>>>> But there is actually a memory operand, not two register operands.
>>>>>>> I think VexVVVV_SRC2 makes more sense here, it matches the actual
>>>>>> situation, we want to use vvvv to encode the first operand.
>>>>>>> Opcode table:
>>>>>>> vprot<xop>, 0x90 | <xop:opc>, XOP,
>>>>>>> D|Modrm|Vex128|SpaceXOP09|VexVVVV_Src2|VexW0|NoSuf,
>>>> { RegXMM,
>>>>>>> RegXMM|Unspecified|BaseIndex, RegXMM }
>>>>>>> testcase:
>>>>>>> vprotb (%rax),%xmm12,%xmm15
>>>>>>> vprotb %xmm15,(%r12),%xmm0
>>>>>> VexVVVV_Src2 is appropriate for the latter, yes, but not for the
>>>>>> former. That uses VexVVVV_Src1 layout. Hence my suggestion to
>>>>>> replace the attribute when swapping operands.
>>>>> If replace the Src2VVVV| VexW0 with Src1VVVV| VexW1 and swapping
>>>> operands. We can put VexVVVV_SRC1 before VexVVVV_SRC2, but we still
>>>> need to add "(!is_cpu (&i.tm, CpuXOP) || source == op" under
>>>> VexVVVV_SRC1 , and match_template also needs to be adjusted (I made a
>>>> simple modification and it still failed, I think continuing like this
>>>> may go against the original intention).
>>>>>   switch (i.tm.opcode_modifier.vexvvvv)
>>>>>     {
>>>>>     /* VEX.vvvv encodes the first source register operand.  */
>>>>>     case VexVVVV_SRC1:
>>>>>       if (!is_cpu (&i.tm, CpuXOP) || source == op)
>>>>>         {
>>>>>           v =  dest - 1;
>>>>>           break;
>>>>>         }
>>>>>     /* For XOP: vpshl*, vpsha* and vprot*.  */
>>>>>     /* Fall through.  */
>>>>>     /* VEX.vvvv encodes the last source register operand.  */
>>>>>     case VexVVVV_SRC2:
>>>>>       v = source++;
>>>>>       break;
>>>>>     /* VEX.vvvv encodes the destination register operand.  */
>>>>>     case VexVVVV_DST:
>>>>>       v = dest--;
>>>>>       break;
>>>>>     default:
>>>>>       v = ~0;
>>>>>       break;
>>>>>      }
>>>>> Do you think we should add a separate patch 4 for XOP that removes
>>>>> the
>>>> special handling in match_template and completes its template? so we
>>>> don't have to add special handling for src1vvvv or src2vvvv. This
>>>> might go against your desire to reduce template size, but it would
>>>> help simplify the logic. I'd like to know your thoughts.
>>>> Indeed. You'd effectively revert earlier folding that I did. And the
>>>> adjustment I suggested earlier ought to be small/simple enough.
>>> So, I continued working on the previous suggestion. With the following
>> modification and it worked.
>>> @@ -8932,7 +8932,7 @@ match_template (char mnem_suffix)
>>>                           || is_cpu (t, CpuAPX_F));
>>>               if (!operand_type_match (overlap0, i.types[0])
>>>                   || !operand_type_match (overlap1, i.types[j])
>>> -                 || (t->operands == 3
>>> +                 || (t->operands == 3 && !is_cpu (t, CpuXOP)
>>>                       && !operand_type_match (overlap2, i.types[1]))
>>>                   || (check_register
>>>                       && !operand_type_register_match (i.types[0],
>> Just to mention it - this certainly isn't what I suggested. In fact I seem to
>> vaguely recall that something similar was once proposed during the original
>> APX work as well, where I then objected, too.
>>> But I found that there are 4 test files that failed, I didn't find the doc on
>> how to encode vprotb but I guess that is because I changed the default
>> template from Src2VVVV| VexW0 to Src1VVVV| VexW1, then all the related
>> test cases needed to be modified. Do you have any comments here?
>>> regexp "^[      ]*[a-f0-9]+:    8f e9 40 90
>> d8[         ]+vprotb %xmm7,%xmm0,%xmm3$"
>>> line   "    11ed:       8f e9 f8 90 df          vprotb %xmm7,%xmm0,%xmm3"
>> Well, while changing the templates is in principle possible, and the resulting
>> code would still be correct, changing encodings it usually not a good idea.
>> Thus when it can be avoided, it should be avoided, imo. Hence why I didn't
>> suggest this, but to amend the code doing the operand swapping (for the
>> case where operand order is controlled by XOP.W).
> I mistakenly thought this was what you wanted, and I also think this modification is unacceptable. Could you elaborate further on your original suggestion?

At the bottom of match_template() we have

    case Opcode_VexW:
      /* Only the first two register operands need reversing, alongside
	 flipping VEX.W.  */
      i.tm.opcode_modifier.vexw ^= VEXW0 ^ VEXW1;

This is where I think you further want to adjust i.tm.opcode_modifier.vexvvvv.


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