Possible Memory leak in bed hash.c

Nick Clifton nickc@redhat.com
Wed Sep 13 10:47:43 GMT 2023

Hi Jacob,

> Priority: LOW
> In these times of plenty (gigabytes of RAM, etc) nobody cares about writing good software.
This is just a quick note to say that we do care.

We care about writing good code.  We care about writing portable code.
We care about writing code that others will see, read and use, and we
hope, appreciate.

So please, do keep on filing bug reports and letting us know about problems,
but do not think that we do not care.  We do.


PS.  Mind you the thing I do not care about are when I get a CVE report
for one of these memory leak bugs saying that the leak is a potential
source of a denial of service attack.  I mean seriously, if one of the
binutils tools does not free all of its memory before exiting, can that
really be used as a DoS ?

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