RFC: Objdump: Dumping PE specific headers

Nick Clifton nickc@redhat.com
Thu May 25 16:21:46 GMT 2023

Hi Guys,

  Whilst looking at PR 310145, I realised that we currently do not have
  a way to display the contents of PE type files in their native
  format.  Since objdump does have a --private option which provides
  this kind of functionality for other file format types, I thought that
  it would be helpful if objdump could also handle PE files.  Hence this

  At the moment it only dumps the file header and section headers, but
  this could be extended in the future.  (Especially if someone else is
  interested in doing the work...).  The output looks something like

    $ objdump -P header,sections test-section-flags.exe --wide

    test-section-flags.exe:     file format pei-x86-64

    PEI File Header:
      Magic:         0x5a4d		- IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE
      Machine Num:   0x8664		- AMD64
      Num sections:  6
      Time and date: 0x646f522d		- Thu May 25 13:18:53 2023
      Symbols off:   0x00001000
      Num symbols:   60
      Opt hdr sz:    240

    Section headers (at 152+240=0x00000188 to 0x00000278):
     # Name     paddr    vaddr    size     scnptr   relptr   lnnoptr  nrel  nlnno   Flags
     1 .text    00000030 00001000 00000200 00000400 00000000 00000000 0     0       60000020 EXECUTE,READ,CODE
     2 my_sect  00000004 00002000 00000200 00000600 00000000 00000000 0     0       c0000040 READ,WRITE,INITIALIZED DATA
     3 .rdata   00000040 00003000 00000200 00000800 00000000 00000000 0     0       40000040 READ,INITIALIZED DATA
     4 .pdata   0000000c 00004000 00000200 00000a00 00000000 00000000 0     0       40000040 READ,INITIALIZED DATA
     5 .xdata   00000008 00005000 00000200 00000c00 00000000 00000000 0     0       40000040 READ,INITIALIZED DATA
     6 .idata   00000014 00006000 00000200 00000e00 00000000 00000000 0     0       c0000040 READ,WRITE,INITIALIZED DATA

  Thoughts, comments ?


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