[PATCH 0/2] addr2line: new option -n to add a newline at the end

Jan Beulich jbeulich@suse.com
Tue Jan 10 15:50:14 GMT 2023

On 10.01.2023 15:17, Maurizio Papini wrote:
> Thanks for your feedback Jan.
> Yes, I understand that one option for a single newline smells fulsome but
> the
> idea is to use it to mark the end of output when addr2line is used as a
> "server"
> process: right now I see only the "-i" use case, but there could be others
> in the
> future for new options.  Said that I would propose adding the "add-newline"
> long
> option only to trivially add a new line, that could be reused for other
> output.
> What do you think?

I don't really like the idea, but I can see this being a compromise to cover
your use case. Yet in your reply to Nick you indicate you might go the route
he proposed, which I understand would allow us to get away without any such
option. If, however, an option is still needed from your pov, then please
make its name more meaningful than just "add-newline" - that doesn't tell at
all what the real purpose is. Maybe "separate-<whatever>", with <whatever>
suitably replaced, and then possibly also (in the future, not necessarily
right now) allowing to specify a character to use as the separator in place
of the (default) newline.


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