Plugin-based opcode table

Tue May 31 04:06:06 GMT 2022

On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 1:14 AM Paul Mackerras <> wrote:
> Just to clarify something below...

always appreciated, Paul.

> The problem Peter was describing was at the assembly level not the
> machine code level.  The lxvd2x instruction still exists in POWER9 and
> does the same thing that it does in POWER8.

ahh right. so an older program compiled prior to the assembler mnemonic
rename will still be binary-compatible.

> That is, the difference is in what bits you get out of the assembler
> when you write "lxvx", rather than a binary compatibility difference.

subtle, and annoying/quirky, but not something that breaks older
programs, thank goodness. important to have clarified because it
would give the false impression (to any future reader of the archives)
of an instability in the Power ISA, which would be bad.


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